Getting a Better Clean from Your Commercial Cleaners

Getting a Better Clean from Your Commercial Cleaners

There have been studies proven to show that employee productivity is increased through the services offered by commercial cleaning companies as neatness breeds efficiency. But it is also worth pointing out that a variety of things can be done to improve the expediency of the cleaning process in general.

As business owners and personnel managers will know, the importance of a good first impression cannot be understated. The entrance way acts as a receiving room of sorts and if it isn’t in pristine order (both aesthetically and in actuality) it can end up costing your business.

The rest of this article will be dedicated towards providing insight into a few of the ways that businesses can benefit from commercial cleaning and how this process can be improved.


Cleaning Distractions are Reduced

Some would argue that it is unwise to expect employees to regularly clean (and disinfect) their own workstations as nowhere is it specifically listed in their job description. Rightly or wrongly this may not be the most optimal method for dealing with this topic regardless and in fact, can adversely affect morale and motivation levels.

By contrast, a well-trained professional cleaner whose job it is to ensure high standards of workplace cleanliness makes far more economic and social sense. When their services are contracted for routine cleans or even one-off cleaning solutions the results are often dramatic.


An Improved Working Order

Most business managers find that after hiring a commercial cleaning service and after implementing a regular cleaning routine that everything begins to fall into place. The time that employees spend looking for specific objects or items is reduced and thus the many hours that would have been spent unproductively otherwise are redirected and funnelled back into the eight-hour working day.

As many employees tend to believe that the telephone, computer and desk are vitally important to their overall productivity levels, it follows that a business manager will want this seen to by professionals in the industry. If these commonplace workstation items are kept hygienically clean then higher volumes of work would be handed in without hindrance.


Getting the Most out of the Cleaning Routine

A growing number of custodial managers are outfitting their operations with backpack vacuums in place of traditional dust mops to increase efficiency. As a business owner, if you are taking advantage of the benefits that commercial cleaning services have to offer (even on a semi-regular basis) and there is money in the budget for such a thing, it may well be worth the investment.

Statistically the largest surface area of any office floor is exactly that, the floor. Because of this, backpack vacuums are able to provide significant advantages over their unwieldy mop-and-bucket counterparts and outperform them in every way. This dramatically reduces the amount of time spent completing this task.

At the end of the day, managers will need to work with their commercial cleaners in order to maximise potential and results across the board.

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