
“We can help you forget your cleaning trouble’s, manage all your facility services and maintain a clean & hygienic office that you’ll find pleasure in coming into”

Precise Commercial Cleaners trusts that superior cleaning services comes through communicating, which is why we talk with our customers on a frequent basis.

Precise issues to each one of our customers a Communication Book, this presents them the chance to communicate with our site cleaners on duty on a daily basis. .

In addition to this, every month a Precise Commercial Cleaners Supervisor will meet with you to carry out a Quality Assurance Inspection of our cleaning service to see to it that you’re pleased with the service you’re receiving. .

You are also able to contact Directors, Supervisors and Client Managers twenty-four/seven/365 days a year on their mobiles and by e-mail.

We are a  Local Brisbane Cleaning Company that’s aiming to deliver all your property service requirements to you, so that you are able to get on with what you do best, Sell Your Product or Service. .

The bitterness of low quality remains long after the sweetness of low cost is forgotten.

Precise Commercial Cleaners knows we can provides Office Cleaners at an affordable cost and to the specifications of most organisations, delivered as they expect it to be.

We specialise in purely Commercial Office Cleaning in Brisbane


In the past however, we’ve been asked to do the following;

Corporate Cleaning

Project Hut Cleaning
Demountable Cleaning
Child Care Center Cleaning

Commercial End Of Lease Exit Cleaning

Commercial Entry Cleans
Body Corporate Cleaning
Strata Cleaning
For our Commercial Office Clients we provide the following services;
Carpet Cleaning
Window Cleaning
Tile & Grout Restoration
Vinyl Floor Restoration and Maintenance
Strip & Sealing
Mould Inspections and Mould Remediation Cleaning
High Pressure Cleaning
Consumables & Paper Products
Sanitary Bin Services

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