Useful Methods for Wet Cleaning Floors

Useful Methods for Wet Cleaning Floors


When it comes to keeping surfaces and floors free from dirt or other impediments, wet cleaning is often the best way to approach the problem.





Wet cleaning is a process of cleaning that is intended to remove dirt and grime that has, in some way, attached or bonded itself to a particular surface. In such a circumstance, it will not normally be possible to remove the soil or other particulate matter by the means of merely dousing the floor with water. Instead, wet cleaning should be used on occasions where the dirty floor or surface requires a combination of solvent, chemical and mechanical action to facilitate the removal of the dirt.

In order to effectively employ wet cleaning of floors and surfaces, cleaning professionals and operators of cleaning businesses should always seek to remain mindful of four factors or aspects. These four variables can be reduced to single catchwords, and it is vital that cleaning professionals keep these in mind. These variables are ‘Temperature’, ‘Agitation’, ‘Concentration’, and ‘Time’.

In order to better remember these factors, they can be reduced to the acronym ‘T. A. C. T.’.


It may not be necessary for cleaning professionals to employ all of these methods, or indeed give equal importance to each of them. Rather, an approach to using wet cleaning to remove dirt and grime from a surface can be changed by modifying any one of the four factors.


In regard to utilising temperature for wet cleaning of floors and other surfaces, it is best to maintain heat. As a general rule of thumb, the higher the temperature, the more powerful the clean will be. A widely known statistic posits that for every 10 degrees Celsius that is increased over 65 degrees Celsius, the cleaning power that you have available and at your disposal is doubled.


You will often find that, just as important as the temperature applied to a dirty floor or surface is the means by which you intend to clean that surface. In this regard, ‘Agitation’ refers to the method of breaking up the particulate matter that clings to or has somehow bonded with the surface. The type of pad that you use is an important factor to consider here.

Also, investigate the weight of the machine that you are using to agitate or scrub the floor. Ensure that the equipment that you are using is up to the task, or else risk coming out of the process with a less than perfect clean.


Also consider the concentration of the chemical or solvent that you are using to clean the particular surface. Simply pouring a greater amount of the chemical on to the floor will not facilitate better cleaning. In fact, this can have a counterproductive effect, leading to the re-soiling of the surface if chemical residue is left behind.


Consider the ‘dwell time’ necessary for the chemical to properly do its work. There are very few cleaning chemicals that work immediately on impact. Instead, allow the chemicals to linger for a longer period on the surface that needs to be cleaned. Consider each of these variables when wet cleaning floors and surfaces. From a cleaner removing a stain from the kitchen sink, to a tile and grout specialist scrubbing tiles, if you can optimise these factors in the course of your cleaning, you will achieve the best results.

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