What Should You Pay Your Cleaning Contractors?

What Should You Pay Your Cleaning Contractors? State and federal law protect the minimum wages in Australia but vary by state or territory. Wage rates for employees factor in a number of variables including the location of the work, the time of the day and the day of the week.

Before you consider hiring an employee to do your company’s cleaning, perhaps you should first take a minute to review the documentation on state-specific rates of contract cleaners as laid out by the Australian Government and Fair Work.

A company looking to hiring others to perform a particular task will generally opt between one of two common approaches in Australia. They are outsourcing and subcontracting and each have their own positives and negatives. To really know which will best suit the needs of your business, it would be helpful to distinguish between them.

The Difference between Subcontracting and Outsourcing


Before discussing the finer points of which approach is best, it helps that a distinction between the two terms is established. Subcontracting refers to larger projects and occurs wherever an external party is hired to assist with and complete an internal task. Typically, a contractor will be deferred work for a mutually agreed upon temporary length of time, usually six months to a year.

When talking about outsourcing in today’s climate, the topic often comes under heavy scrutiny when used interchangeably with the term off-shoring. In actuality, it refers to the situation that occurs when work is transferred to an individual or organisation outside of the company (not specifically overseas) who specialises in that area of work.

Why Should You Outsource Your Cleaning To An Independent Contractor?


There are a number of different reasons why your business should consider hiring a cleaning contract as opposed to employing staff or hiring subcontractors.

It makes financial sense: Outsourcing a particular facet of your business means that you will have to pay more per hour for the work but your business won’t incur costs associated with traditional employee-related benefits.

Greater staffing flexibility: Outsourcing work will leave you free to focus on running your business while the task is handled by professionals with expertise.

Reduced exposure to lawsuits: Employees are covered under state laws and can potentially bring legal action against their employer for any number of reasons including acts of unfair dismissal.

While we certainly hope your enterprise never sees the inside of a courtroom, it is a topic that rarely comes up and isn’t usually never a problem until it is. While these points are contributing factors towards outsourcing, it always comes down to the size and individual needs of an organisation.

Want It Done Right the First Time?


Oftentimes when outsourcing is required it’s because a business finds itself ill-equipped with the technical skills to undertake the additional work, and more importantly, the time to learn them. When you have a task you want done right the first time every time, you should consider outsourcing as a viable option.

If your business has grown to the point where you are weighing your options, consider outsourcing your cleaning regime to our skillful team at Precise Commercial Cleaners. Whatever your office cleaning needs are, as cleaning contractors, we can help with services ranging from commercial carpet cleaning to a tailored total cleaning solution and everything in between.

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